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European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism

Evaluation process

A panel of tourism experts evaluate the candidatures of each applicant city and destination.


How are the winners selected?

> Evaluation Step 1

All submitted, admissible and eligible applications are evaluated against a set of established criteria by a panel of independent experts. The evaluation by the independent experts determines which cities are the best performers. Moreover, on the basis of their evaluation, the Commission establishes a shortlist of cities that are invited to present their candidatures in front of a European Jury.

> Evaluation Step 2

In the second evaluation step, representatives of the finalist cities present their candidatures and the programme of activities planned for their title year in front of the European Jury.

Meet our independent experts


Director at Sano Touring Experience S.R.L. and Travel Agency Manager in the department Accessible Romania by Sano Touring. President at Asociata Ced Romania Centrul de Excelenta Prin Diversitate, fields if interest: inclusion, accessibility, vulnerable groups.

Anya Diekmann

Head of Tourism at ULB - IGEAT. Professor -Chair: cultural tourism. Her research interests include different aspects of social tourism as well as cultural tourism with a particular focus on heritage tourism (including WHS) and urban ethnic and slum tourism

S Daly

Senior Research Associate with the Meaningful Tourism Centre, responsible for researching best practice destinations and promoting the network to individuals and groups involved in best-practice sustainable and innovative tourism.


Director IDITUR – Centre for Research, Dissemination and Innovation in Tourism. He holds a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology and a Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes) both awarded by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).

T Gajdosik

Associate Professor of Tourism at the Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. He devotes himself to the issues of destination management and governance, as well as information systems in tourism and smart tourism.

edoardo colombo

Freelance consultant has operated, and operates, for government institutions, public administrations and in the private sector on innovation and digital technologies, with a specific focus on tourism and e-government.

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